Ester Ried's Namesake by Pansy FULL AUDIOBOOK

 PANSY (1841 - 1930)
Esther Ried Randall tries to live up to her parents' expectations and the name she's been given, but her religion is a chore. Will she learn the lesson of faith that Ester did? Fifth and final book in the Ester Ried series. Authored by Isabella M. Alden under the pen name “Pansy.” (Summary written by Tricia G)
1 - What's in a Name?
2 - Sacrifice
3 - Thorns
4 - Joram Pratt
5 - A Rebel
6 - The Victors
7 - Scruples
8 - Models
9 - Harmony and Discord
10 - Words
11 - On the Trail
12 - A Cross Trail
13 - Melindy's Bed
14 - Melindy
15 - Theory and Practice
16 - Deliberately and Forever
17 - Discipline
18 - Love
19 - Wouldn't You?
20 - Home
21 - Household Questionings
22 - Why She Quit
23 - Surprises
24 - Homeward Bound
25 - A Woman of Her Word
26 - The Nest-Egg
27 - Children of One Father
28 - An Eminently Sensible Person
29 - The Same Person
30 - Something Portentous Was About to Happen

Genre(s): General Fiction, *Non-fiction, Religion
Language: English
Group: The Ester Ried Series by Pansy
Books in the public domain
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