Up One Pair of Stairs of My Bookhouse Part 2/8 FULL AUDIOBOOK

VARIOUS and Olive Beaupre MILLER (1883 - 1968)

Full of delightful fairy tales, charming poems and engaging stories, this is the second volume of the "My Bookhouse" series for little ones. Originally published in the 1920's as a six volume set, these books, edited by Olive Beaupre Miller, contained the best in children's literature, stories, poems and nursery rhymes. They progressed in difficulty through the different volumes. (Summary by Maria Therese)
13 - The Brownies in the Toy Shop     Palmer Cox
14 - The Song Sparrow     Henry van Dyke
15 - The Tongue-Cut Sparrow     Teresa Peirce Williston
16 - Little Maid of Far Japan     Annette Wynne
17 - The Foolish, Timid, Little Hare: An East Indian Fable     Unknown
18 - The Coming of the King     Laura E. Richards
19 - He Prayeth Best     Samuel Coolidge
20 - Nurse's Song     William Blake
21 - The Honest Woodman     Unknown
22 - The Battle of the Firefly and the Apes: A Filipino Tale     Unknown
23 - Twinkling Bugs     Unknown
24 - A Child in a Mexican Garden     Grace H. Conkling

Genre(s): Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales, Poetry, Short works
Language: English
Group: My Bookhouse Series
Books in the public domain
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